Dear parents,

The first meeting between the new Principal, his leadership team and the AMPA commitee was held on the 21st of September. In attendance was the new Principal;  Mr.  Jon Locke, the director the Campus in Sitges, Mrs Heather Bell, the Head of Commerce, Dominik Anke, and the Head of Primary, Secondary and Pre-U as well as the AMPA committee representatives.

The agenda items discussed were as follows:

  1. 2018 Exam results of iGCSE and A-levels. 

    The exam results discussed were the results A*-B, as these are the grades needed to get into the universities of choice. It was highlighted the downwards trend of the results and also that they had been compared to the UK National Average results as well as against  10 UK private schools with similar school fees to the BSB on the Y12-Y13. For those parents who wish to see these BSB exam results and the comparison mentioned please visit the AMPA BSB webpage,where the  BSB results for the last 3 years are available. It was mentioned that some of the 2018 results on the school webpage are slightly different from the ones provided, these will be checked.Mr Locke confirmed that some of the áreas of improvement had been identifyied and that the school was working on actions to be taken mid-term and long term. Mr Locke commited to give us an update before the end of this term. The AMPA highlighted the need of taking short term actions as some of these improvements were discussed during the previous school year.

    In reference to the results of the specific exams for Spanish Selectividad, the school will provide them shortly.

  2. Changes in the teaching methods and learning approach of Y6. 

    Miss Overton explained that the new learning approach is focused on the development on the children, active learning in large groups similar to the ´Montessori´ approach.  The three Y6 classrooms have been converted into a single space, however the curriculum will not change. Miss Overton is happy to set any meeting with parents and answer any questions that parent may have. Also, information meeting have been set for Y6 starting the week of hte 1st of October as follows:Time scheduled: 15:15-16.15. Y6 Falcons: Monday 1st of October – Y6 Owls: Tuesday, 2nd of October – Y6 Pegasus: Wednesday 3rd of October and Y6 Toucans: Thursday 4th of October.

    The AMPA asked the school that in future, any major changes in learning approach, to inform the parents soon enough so they can take their own decisions on time. The school representatives agreed,

  3. Some security issues on the access of the Campus Castelldefels were brought forward by the AMPA. A meeting has been set for the first week of October to specifically handle this subject.
  4. Finally, it was shared with the school the concern that some parents raised regarding the short time given to the children for showering after a PE class, parents would prefer that sufficient time is allowed in order to cultivate healthy habits.

For any questions please send us an e-mail to